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Metabolic Syndrome

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions linked to heart disease, cancer, liver damage and diabetes, according to the International Journal of Biological Sciences. [1]

Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors

There are 5 clinical risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome, including: [2]

  1. Elevated blood pressure

  2. Raised triglycerides levels

  3. Cholesterol ratio imbalance

  4. Imbalanced glucose metabolism

  5. Increased waist circumference:

    • ≥ 102 cm/40" men

    • ≥ 88 cm/34" in women.

Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome

The primary treatment and prevention management strategies focus on lifestyle - increasing your physical activity, and modifying your diet and behavioural patterns.

The first step is to take a thorough medical history with the appropriate physical examination, functional assessments and laboratory tests to investigate the underlying causes or contributing to the development of the metabolic syndrome.

Medication for Metabolic Syndrome

Pharmacological Therapy - There are no specific medications for the treatment of metabolic syndrome. A 10-year follow-up study conducted by the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group found that medications used to treat type II diabetes like metformin and thiazolidinediones were inferior in comparison to lifestyle interventions. [2]

Similarly, a class of lipid-lowering drugs called statins have potentially serious side effects – causing muscle damage, pain and reduced exercise tolerance and insulin dysfunction. [3]

Lifestyle Interventions

  • Transition to a KETOGENIC FODMAP diet.

  • Consume a plentiful variety of fresh seasonal vegetables.

  • Eat nuts, seeds and deep-sea fish a minimum of 2-3 times per week.

  • Minimise animal meats and refined carbohydrates including sugar, sweets, fruit juices, white bread, pasta and potatoes.

  • Drink clean filtered water, stored in plastic-free bottles.

  • Maintain a diet high in water-soluble fibres – psyllium seed husks, beans/legumes, oat bran, and pectin found in the outer skin and rind of fruits and vegetables.

  • Include a minimum of 20-30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise/resistance training.

  • Practice stress management techniques, such as exercise, yoga and meditation.

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DR ALAIN FRABOTTA is a highly qualified and experienced integrative chiropractor and functional medicine naturopathic doctor in Sydney since 1995.

With a specific interest in the treatment, prevention, and management of complex chronic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome.

Alain provides a holistic, person-centred, multidisciplinary, solution-focused, results-driven approach.

He integrates chiropractic, naturopathic and functional medicine, nutrition, counselling, and coaching to help you bridge the gap between your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Alain is the leading integrative chiropractic and functional medicine naturopathic doctor in Sydney who wants to help you achieve your health and well-being goals as well as reach your full potential in life.

He is also dedicated to providing you with a personalised, targeted treatment approach that employs functional and genomic assessments to diagnose and optimise your health, well-being, and performance.

Learn more about DR ALAIN FRABOTTA


  1. Braun S, Bitton-Worms K, LeRoith D. The Link between the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2011;7(7):1003-1015.

  2. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. RACGP - The metabolic syndrome. Accessed January 18, 2018. https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2013/august/the-metabolic-syndrome/

  3. Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group, Knowler WC, et al. 10-year follow-up of diabetes incidence and weight loss in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes study. Lancet 2009;374:1677–86. 

  4. Koh KK, Quon MJ, Han SH, et al. Atorvastatin causes insulin resistance and increases ambient glycaemia in hypercholesterolemic patients. Journal of American College Cardiology 2010;55:1209–16.